Nothing in particular, misc work, practice, play, experiment, design from over the years that don’t have a home but I though were nice enough to show here on my portfolio.
Date: 01/01/2014 — 01/01/2023
Client: N/A
Role: Digital Designer
Nothing in particular, misc work, practice, play, experiment, design from over the years that don’t have a home but I though were nice enough to show here on my portfolio.
Date: 01/01/2014 — 01/01/2023
Client: N/A
Role: Digital Designer
beats music UI
I designed this small interface a few years ago in PS, a music player concept. I recently opened it in Figma and added a sliding menu and a button hover, I wanted to test different methods for sliding menus in irregular and rounded layouts. The prototype works well.
I also thought it still looked quite nice for old work.
Layouts for Web
These are layouts I did on the back of inspiration. Almost everyday I look through UI work and collect reference of nice UI. While other people are on Facebook or Tiktok I’m on godly scrolling through inspiring work and keeping up to date with design standards. These are all a bit old, but some still nice elements and a range of style.
Hero Section project
These were replicated layouts I did for a project while studying. The sites hero image would swap out at random using js… <script>var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * X);</script>